Healing Your Timeline and Ancestral Wounds

The blessings and wisdom of our ancestors are passed down to us and then we pass them to the next generation through our interaction, our behaviour, role modelling and example.
We also unintentionally pass on our sabotaging and limiting beliefs and our unresolved emotional business, baggage and trauma. This is especially true if we are not awakened to living consciously, or moreover if our ancestors weren’t.

Your ancestors may have carried wounds that related to money and poverty consciousness, abandonment or betrayal, separation from loved ones, loss, addiction or anything else.
These wounds can be held in the family energy field and carry a resonance that can affect future generations in different ways.

You may be the first person in your family lineage that is living intentionally and consciously.
As a light bearer you have the opportunity to help yourself to release inherited patterns, and to help to heal not only relationships with family members through healing yourself, but also to bring healing to the line. You can help to turn the wounds into wisdom, and look at people and experiences with compassion and understanding rather than carry the low vibration emotions of judgement, fear and pain.

Furthermore you can pass a different experience on to the next generation, thus changing the legacy to one that serves them better moving forwards.

My Ancestral Healing Bundle

I’ve bundled up the tools that could help you make massive progress with ancestral clearing and healing, in order to help you in your current now time and your future.
Clearing assists us to release old stuck and sabotaging energy to make way for HEALING.
This includes THREE channelled attunements.

Working intentionally to help those to heal that came before you can help to break free of repeated patterns, can release trauma and regret, and can assist you in repairing relationships that may have broken down. It can also help you to have better boundaries, self-care and feel more empowered as an individual.

As Within So Without – when you do the inner work your world reflects that back to you.