Quantum Collapse Reset Session

Quantum Collapse Reset Session - Emotional & Vibrational Timeline Clearing with Kate Spencer

- What if you could go back in time and change the way you feel about something or someone that harmed you?

- What if you could alter and rewrite misaligned and sabotaging beliefs about money, relationships or worthiness?

- What if you could find the aspects of yourself that are stuck in fear and help them to come into the light to heal?

Two answers to consider...

- You'd feel really different because you wouldn't be carrying as much baggage from the past that has been weighing you down emotionally, making you vulnerable to being triggered and affecting your self-worth and progress which in turn affects relationships, income, health and more.

- You'd more easily attract a whole lot of the good stuff you ask The Universe for because your frequency would be higher and you'd have released the energy that was binding you to the past and its low-vibration experiences and feelings.

You finally feel like you are winning at life!

Maybe you know the exact moment or chapter in your life where the harm was done, or maybe you don't know why you self-sabotage, can't get traction or always feel like you aren't good enough?

Perhaps waiting for the other shoe to drop feels normal now?

For me it was.....

Being called fat.

The emotional abuse that came with toxic relationships.

Being cheated on and lied to.

Financial abuse.

Being made fun of at school for having less money than the rich kids.

And a whole lot more I didn't know was buried deep in my subconscious mind, until I started to do the work.

This old stuff came with an emotional and energetic charge at the time AND afterwards.

Even though years stood between me and each experience there was still an effect.

Every single moment in time had carved a wound that had affected my self-worth and who I believed myself to be.

I carried guilt, shame, unworthiness, fear of judgement, anger resentment, jealousy and self-reproach.

These feelings were always in the background, an ever-present undercurrent just waiting for me to be triggered and pulled under again.

We don't have to live like this.

The past has already happened, we can't change that.

But we can change how we think and feel about it and release the hold it has on us.

I believe I have a way of doing this by combining Combining Conscious Observation & Energy Work in the same live session.

This can transmute the emotional energy that is holding the moment in time in your vibration - its called a Quantum Collapse.

For me this has been the ultimate emotional and energetic release process, and I want to share it with others.

It's a RESET and it can help you to clear your timeline

All of the low vibration feelings and beliefs were once created in time through an experience that you had, we can heal those moments in time and release the feelings and energy around them - setting you free to finally create your best life.

RESET sessions  are in very short supply!

I have to be intensely present and dialled in to work this way, and would ask that you allow up to 90 x minutes per session.

The Small Print:

Please be mindful that a session of this nature involves deep energy clearing and can need integration time afterwards.

You may need to adjust your schedule to include a couple of hours rest time.

These sessions are not suitable for anyone that has experienced serious trauma in the past that would need psychotherapy or a similar approach, or anyone with mental health challenges.

If you are unsure and you want to discuss this please get in touch, but please know that I will always do my best to keep you safe and if I feel this is unsuitable then I reserve the right to say so and expect no hard feelings.

I have to state that the energy work aspect of these sessions is considered for entertainment purposes only.

These sessions are not a substitute for legal, medical or mental health advice for which I encourage you to seek out professionals in these fields.

quantum collapse session ks