YOU are the energy in your business and when you are blocked, corded to old patterns or people, stuck in an old way of thinking or behaving, trapped in fear or resistance or anything else detrimental to raising your vibration - you are out of Flow.
Remote Energy Clearing - Emailed: I will tune into you remotely and scan you for invasive energy (etheric cords and psychic attack), chakra blockages and misalignments, energy body blockages and misalignments and any specific energy corrections or alignments that you may need for your highest good.
Typically these sessions result in 5 or 6 "issues" being corrected or cleared.
When you change your energy you can change your life and business in lots of ways.
Opportunities can open up, relationships can heal, your physical body can feel healthier and more alive, you can improve your income and much more.
Releasing the energy of the past is very common and can have really profound and positive effects on the present and the future.